退休 solutions to meet the needs of employers and employees 

美世 investments and retirement 咨询: Who we help

无论你是雇主, 机构投资者, 非营利组织, 金融中介或家族办公室, 美世 investments and retirement 咨询 aims to help you develop an investment solutions strategy unique to your situation, as well as provide the service and support you need.


  • 固定收益计划 

    We provide thousands of defined benefit plans with valuable insights, trusted advice and practical support at every stage of the journey. Our global scale and extensive resources can help support you in any scenario, 同时提供定制的见解, guidance and support tailored to your plan’s needs.
  • 设定受益计划管理

    Explore options for your 好处 plan administration
  • 养老金风险管理和转移

    Developing your pension risk transfer strategy and execution.
  • 咨询服务

    Get the DB advisory you need to pursue the returns you want
  • 保险精算的解决方案

    保险精算的解决方案 aligned with your business goals

美世 CFA Institute 全球 Pension Index 2022

This report benchmarks 44 retirement income systems around the world, 突出挑战和机遇.


David Knox and CFA Institute's Margaret Franklin talk about the challenges and opportunities facing pension plans.


  • 固定缴款

    从治理到减轻信托风险, our defined contribution solutions help you generate better outcomes for your business and your employees. 点击链接了解更多信息.
  • 治理和尽职调查

    Employers are challenged to continually improve 401(k) plans, 投资管理, 提供更好的结果, 鼓励更多的参与.
  • 区议会谘询服务

    The right advice and guidance can fundamentally transform your investment decisions – and your plan. Get access to a full continuum of solutions with 美世’s DC plan advisory services.
  • OCIO解决方案

    Our bespoke investment solutions and OCIO service are designed to help you address risk and governance concerns, invest sustainably and diversify with alternatives.


非营利性 & 保险

No one knows your industry and business better than you.  Our goal is to come to the table prepared to listen and engage with you so that we can bring the best advice and tools to apply to your unique situations, 任务及优先事项.
Marc Cordover


随着市场环境的不断变化, investors face myriad challenges in reaching their financial goals. You can choose just the solutions you need from our established investment solutions platform to keep your investment objectives in focus and evolve your options as your needs change.

  • 研究 that helps drive potential performance: Asset allocation strategies and the right investments help investors reach their goals.
  • 有助于降低风险的治理: A strong governance foundation is critical to long term investment success.
  • 有助于提升价值的规模:  Consider how an OCIO solution could help your organization.



    简化搜索. Get strategic research tailored to your interests from thought leaders across the investment industry, including 美世 and hundreds of third‑party publishers. Membership is complimentary, and it takes seconds to sign up.


    Tell us your needs and our Investment and 退休 specialists will guide you down the right path.

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